Unsere Dienstleistungen
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precision milling
With our modern machinery, we mill components with the highest precision and tolerances in the µ range. This ensures that even complex requirements are reliably met.
surface milling
We achieve precise surface roughness that exactly matches your specifications. Regardless of whether functional or aesthetic requirements – our milling technology delivers perfect results.
individual production
Individual solutions are our strength, regardless of whether prototypes or individual pieces are required. We transform your ideas into high-quality components quickly and precisely.
series production
We offer efficient and consistently precise production for series projects. With the latest technology and optimized processes, we ensure maximum cost-effectiveness with consistent quality.
Efficient and precise manufacturing solutions
Our manufacturing combines the latest technologies with the highest precision to give you first-class results. By using high-quality CNC machines, carefully selected tools and first-class materials, we ensure that your components meet the highest standards.
With the support of CAD/CAM systems, we implement your projects quickly and efficiently, from the initial draft to the finished product. This technology enables us to realize complex geometries and precise machining in the shortest possible time, thereby minimizing costs and lead times.
Our goal is to offer you manufacturing solutions that are not only convincing in terms of quality, but also economical – in the spirit of a collaborative partnership that focuses on your requirements.
Maschinen von DMG Mori – Präzision trifft Zuverlässigkeit
Unsere Fertigung basiert auf modernsten CNC-Maschinen von DMG Mori, die für ihre Präzision und Langlebigkeit bekannt sind. Mit leistungsstarken 5-Achs-Maschinen wie der DMG Mori Ecomill 70 garantieren wir hochpräzise Ergebnisse selbst bei komplexesten Bauteilen.
CAD/CAM mit TopSolid – Effizienz in der Planung und Umsetzung
Dank der leistungsstarken CAD/CAM-Software TopSolid können wir Ihre Projekte effizient planen und umsetzen. Diese Technologie ermöglicht es uns, Ihre individuellen Anforderungen präzise zu modellieren und nahtlos in die Fertigung zu übertragen – für schnellere Abläufe und optimale Ergebnisse.
Why Us?
Many years of experience
in der Metallzerspanung
Modern machinery
für hochpräzise CNC-Fertigung
Reliable delivery dates
für einen reibungslosen Produktionsablauf
Strict quality control
für konstante Spitzenqualität
The DMG Mori Ecomill 70 enables precise machining in five axes – perfect for complex components and the highest demands.
workpiece size
With a generous processing size of up to 750 x 600 x 520 mm, even larger workpieces can be easily realized.
The high machine rigidity and precise spindle guarantee excellent surface quality even with demanding materials.
Glass scales and direct drives ensure exceptionally precise positioning and dimensional accuracy.